The International Study Blog

What to expect in your first few weeks at a UK university as an international student

Written by Newcastle University | Jul 18, 2019 11:49:00 AM

Exploring the city, making new friends and experiencing different cultures. These are just some of the many amazing things you might want to do during your first few weeks at a UK university.

With so much to experience, it’s something you’ll remember forever. If you’re not sure what your first few weeks will be like, don’t worry. Newcastle University international students Aparna and Anselm have shared their experiences and how easy it was to settle in.

“It’s not really that much of a culture shock”

Aparna studies Cross-Cultural Communication at Newcastle University. While there was a bit of a difference in culture when she arrived, she explained that it’s not a big deal. Everybody is from different parts of the world and everyone feels the same way.

Anselm, who studies Geotechnical Engineering had the same thoughts. He explained that arriving to study at Newcastle University was different at first, but it didn’t take him a long time to get used to the new routine.

In the video below, Aparna and Anselm also share some important tips with you for when you arrive. They explain why they love being in a city where there are so many students from all over the world.



If you like the advice Aparna and Anselm have given you and you want to find out more, then download our guide to studying at a UK university.

Get your all-in-one guide to studying at a UK university

Aparna and Anselm’s advice about SIM cards, TV licenses and student cards are very helpful. But we’ve also answered even more questions for you about accommodation, visas, fitting in and much more.

These are just some of the things you need to think about before moving to the UK to study and to make sure your first few weeks are memorable. To get your free copy of the guide to studying at a UK university, click on the link below.