In addition to how much studying at a respected university abroad will enhance your future - it’s an exciting experience too. It’s no wonder international enrolment at UK universities increases every year.
Whilst experiencing a new culture and meeting new people in a different country is amazing, the most useful things that you’ll get are the academic benefits. If you gain a degree from within the UK education system, for example, you’ll show that you’ve received a high quality and more respected level of education.
Some universities in the UK have world-leading research facilities and access to the latest and best resources. Gaining a degree from one of these universities shows that you’re a highly capable student who will make a great employee.
But there are some less-obvious ‘academic benefits’ of studying abroad.
Read on to find out about:
Studying abroad can open you up to more opportunities and give you an advantage in the competitive working world. It gives you a higher chance to show employers that you have the mindset and motivation needed to adapt. It’s exactly what they’re looking for in their candidate.
Many employers are now looking for graduates who have experience internationally. These transferable skills can be applied to many roles and industries and are considered extremely appealing to a potential employer. For example, being bilingual will open up many career possibilities - especially when you are fluent in English, as it’s the language of business around the world.
Although this is one of the more obvious academic benefits of studying abroad, it’s not to be overlooked. You didn’t just study abroad for a couple of weeks. You lived there. You gained independence and you opened yourself up to a whole new lifestyle and culture. This shows you can adapt and you’re fearless.
Improving your CV with this information lets employers know you can work using your own initiative and at the very least, it’s an amazing talking point in your interview!
Studying abroad is a chance to experience new and exciting places and people.
For example, the UK, isn’t just popular for its love of tea - it’s filled with lots of wonderful traditions and celebrations that you may not have heard of. It has plenty to offer besides world-renowned universities.
Plus, different areas of a country will have their own habits, cultures and unique features - just like in the country you call home.
We understand it might be a little bit unnerving at first to adapt to a whole new way of life and culture, there will definitely be some differences from your own. However, there’s plenty of ways to settle into your new student lifestyle, regardless of which country you decide to study abroad in.
There’s no reason to be worried as universities offer lots of support to international students. A good university will have all sorts of societies, social clubs, events and general support for people moving to the city for the first time. It’s likely other international students share the same circumstances as you.
It can be a little bit daunting to go to a foreign country and not know anybody but once you settle in, you’ll find that you’ll make friends naturally - just like when you first started at school.
Most universities that offer international studies will have a community of students from around the globe which means there will be lots of other people who are looking to make friends with people like you.
Here are some ways you can easily make friends when studying abroad:
These unforgettable friendships made during university are equally as important after you graduate. No matter your career choice or what you aspire to become - building real relationships around the world is incredibly valuable.
A big reason people decide to study abroad is to gain life experience. University is usually a big learning curve, regardless of where you’re from or where you’re studying. Recent studies have shown that 96% of international students had an increase in self-confidence because of their decision to study abroad.
Studying abroad will allow you to be even more independent than you already are, which is a vital life skill you can carry on to utilise in the future. You can apply your new found confidence in your studies, friendships and even future job interviews.
A reason you might consider studying abroad is for the chance to experience different styles of education. Not only do you have access to universities who specialise in your course subject, but also the best teachers and lecturers who are experts in it too.
The UK has universities such as Newcastle, Oxford and Cambridge which are all part of the prestigious Russell Group. This small yet prestigious group of universities are known for their innovative research and world-renowned teaching.
A top-quality educational experience is arguably the biggest and most useful academic benefit. With each country having its own unique style of teaching, you can find one that works with the way you learn. The various styles you’ll encounter will also prepare you for the different ways people work in the future.
Now you’ve learned these benefits, you can carry on thinking about everything else involved.
The excellent education and teaching, the vibrant communities and each world-renowned university make the UK the best contender for thousands of international students each year.
Life at a university abroad is memorable and can help shape your future. The UK offers lots of exciting opportunities when it comes to studying here. For even more useful information on what life is like studying abroad at a UK university and how you can become an international student, visit our dedicated International Students page.