The International Study Blog

How to convince your parents that studying abroad is the right choice

Written by Newcastle University | Sep 18, 2019 10:15:00 AM

Studying abroad is an exciting chapter of your education, but we understand that your parents might have some questions or worries. Convincing your parents might seem difficult. However, with our tips, you’ll be flying over to the UK soon.

Here’s how to convince your parents that studying abroad is the right choice for you:

  1. Research and prepare for your conversation
  2. Educate them on the university you want to attend
  3. Explain the benefits of studying abroad
  4. Set your parents up with a video calling app 
  5. Plan a time for them to visit you in the UK
  6. Show them how you’ll be safe
  7. Be honest about why you want to go

1. Research and prepare for your conversation

Before talking to your parents about your plans to study abroad, you should do lots of research. It’s essential that you do this before having the conversation. Otherwise, they might not understand why it’s the right choice for you.

There will be lots of information available online, so take a look at university blogs and prospectuses. 

2. Educate them on the university you want to attend

The UK offers lots of amazing universities, with 24 of them part of the prestigious Russell Group. Your parents will want to help find the right university for you but it’s important you make up your own mind of where you’d like to study. 

Tell them about all the respected and exciting courses you can study and the Career Services and societies that universities offer to international students.

3. Explain the benefits of studying abroad

Studying abroad leads to more career opportunities and meeting new people is exciting. But the academic benefits are what makes studying abroad so amazing. You’ll gain a degree from a highly ranked UK university, experience new teaching styles and most importantly, develop your future career.

Many employers are now looking for graduates who have international experience. So a big benefit of studying abroad is that it sets you apart from other candidates when applying for job roles.

After studying abroad, 96% of international students had an increase in self-confidence. Parents often struggle to let their son or daughter become more independent, but that’s only because they’ve spent so long caring for you. They’ll most likely encourage you if they know this will improve your confidence.

4. Set your parents up with a video calling app 

Reassure your parents that you will contact them regularly with updates while you’re away. You’ll experience so much when studying abroad and it’s nice to share your stories with family. It can also be comforting to talk to them if you feel a little homesick in your first few days.

The best way to keep in contact is by installing a video calling app, like Skype or FaceTime, on their phone or computer. This way, you can communicate for free without spending money on expensive international calls.

5. Plan a time for them to visit you in the UK

You don’t have to wait until after your degree to see your family. Your parents can visit you in the UK at any time. However, it may be best to organise this when you have your timetable so they don’t visit during a busy exam period.

Some universities like Newcastle even have somewhere for your family to stay during their trip, which is one less thing for them to worry about.

6. Show them how you’ll be safe

One of the biggest worries your parents will have is your safety, especially when you’re studying abroad in a different country. It’s normal for a parent to feel this way, so the best thing you can do is show they have nothing to worry about.

Here are some tips to show your parents you can be safe:

  1. compare insurance policies for any expensive items you have
  2. download useful apps on your phone like Circle of 6 and Newcastle University's own app - SafeZone
  3. show you’re responsible with money by budgeting and saving
  4. save important numbers in your phone for emergencies
  5. research the city you want to study in 

7. Be honest about why you want to go

The easiest way to convince your parents that studying abroad is the right choice for you is to be honest with them. This will show you have thought about it a lot and can take responsibility for your own education.

You may want to study at a particular university because they have expert lecturers in the subject you are passionate about or because they have modern research facilities. Communicating this to your parents will help them better understand why you want to study abroad. 

Help your parents understand that studying abroad is the right choice for you

We understand how parents might not want you to study abroad, but that might be because they don’t know anything about it. There are lots of benefits to leaving home and studying in the UK.

That’s why we have created this guide for parents. It gives them essential information about their child studying abroad. It also includes any helpful dates and an introduction to the city of Newcastle. 

Download your copy for them below.